2011 Moscow Design Week

Moscow Design week – the most important annual design event in Russia, organized by ART TRADING Group, will be starting on October 11, 2011. Intense program of MDW 2011 is dedicated to Design in an extended sense: starting from product-, fashion- and graphic- design to the latest developments in architecture. The project, featuring both Russian and international participants, will occupy the main lecture halls and exhibition spaces of Russian capital. The aim of MDW 2011 is to create a platform for design in Russia and to set international business standards within the industry along with supporting business and friendship worldwide.

«This annual event is overwhelming the entire city. It engages the broadest audience: intellectual elite, art-community, show-business celebrities as well as everybody who is already absorbed by the topic or wants to discover it. Mostly non-profit exhibitions showcase the latest catch-ups in the world of design: visiting them one will explore the unknown sphere, looking, touching and finding things he likes or meeting amazing people» – commented Alexandr Fedotov, the President of organising committee of MDW 2011 and ART TRADING Group.

For the week Moscow will turn into design cluster, bringing up such professionals in contemporary design domain as Maarten Baas, Giulio Cappellini, Luigi Colani, Paola Navone, Li Edelkoort and other stars.

MDW 2011 events will take place in Provision warehouses, Red October Chocolate Factory, State Museum for Architecture, Winzavod, Journalism faculty of the Moscow State University and other well-loved sites in Moscow. The top city’s galleries, show-rooms, architecture and design studios will participate in creating an integrated space for design, a professional environment, which everyone can enter tasting the hippest trends.

Exhibitions, installations, talks, workshops, presentations, meetings with the professionals along with a variety of other events within MDW 2011 put ahead the development of cultural, economic and professional design climate in Russia, presenting to international trendsetters and buyers that Russia does create contemporary design.

MDW 2011 is one of the most important noble events in Moscow: installations and artifacts will adorn newly created site-specific spaces (Design Points) in the front-rank cafes and show-rooms of the city. A number of restaurants and cinemas will provide the map-guides and other information about MDW 2011 through specially built Info Points.