The vision for Navitas Park is to become:
• A knowledge centre and innovative environment
- primarily in energy, environment and building construction.
• A strong centre for the development and application of
competencies in education, research and entrepreneurship.
• An internationally competitive and attractive environment
for students, teachers, scientists and companies.

The proposal for Navitas Park, which will house the Aarhus School of Engineering, the Aarhus School of Marine and Technical Engineering and a new science park focusing on energy and sustainability, takes its cue from its prominent situation on the waterfront in Aarhus.

A sloping roof is the distinctive element of the competition proposal. The roof unites and gives character to the new building. The roof is a landscape in itself, with integrated courtyards, terraces and test fields for education and research purposes, and will create a lively building. The terraced landscape democratises the view of the harbour and the waterfront. At the same time, the aim of the construction is to be in harmony with the existing city skyline, to throw minimal shade, and to keep the view of the harbour unimpeded for the neighbouring buildings.

The aim is to make Navitas Park an international front-runner in the development of sustainable energy and technologies, and the new buildings will be classified as low-energy class 1, using increased insulation, solar cells and heat pumps which make use of the temperature difference in the water.