ROBOTIC MUSEUM / Mohammad Shalaby Abdu

Mohammad Shalaby Abdu have sent us his project under title of "ROBOTIC MUSEUM"; Mohammad is a student in the third year in the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning at the University of Port Said, Egypt.

About his selection Mohammad says " my project this term is "museum" I preferred to choose a robot museum of what we are seeing in our country at the moment of interest in the technological development ."

The concept of the project is " One of the secrets of Robots is the complexity of the control panel as also its development depends on the accuracy of the chip inside, and from here came the abstraction and symbolic of Design Museum of the robot " .

Museum site in Port Said City in Egypt and so it have impact on the types of robots displayed and then uses .

The museum has been divided into four sections according to use and is the Educational and Industrial and Commercial and war finally comes .

Of services that distinguish the museum where he works as a guide inside the museum also serves also as an observer saluting them are controlled by the antenna tower

(PV system) used in the project interfaces : Photovoltaic (PV) technology by converting solar energy into solar electricity from sunlight. Photovoltaic systems use sunlight to power ordinary electrical equipment.

-You Also can send us your project from Here [click the link]

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