City of science and technology / Graduation project - Damascus, Syria

DesignDaily just received a fabulous graduation project from "
Muhamad Abo Ezza"; A "City of science and technology" in Damascus; The team work: Muhamad Abo Ezza - Nasser Muhamad - Amro Eledlbi.

And here is the description from the architects:

Consists of three sections:
Department of Trade shows: consists of permanent exhibitions and temporary exhibitions in addition to foreign exhibitions
Where is:
  • Presentation of what is produced Adra Industrial City of exhibits and products possible that the shows held at the international level, including The city from the site of the average between the neighboring countries.
  • Show is produced by the city of science and technology and the findings of scientists and researchers in the field of scientific and technological research
  • Department of companies and offices Investment: consists of a group of office buildings for companies to invest in the region and these companies are from the funded research carried out in the industrial city and the city of science and technology, as well as to upgrade the area as an investment and scientific, which was established with the future projects wider this field of science and research investment
  • Research Division: detailed under the section that has been studied is part of the research department in the city of science and technology, consists of a group of buildings research laboratories for alternative energy and solar energy research
  • service buildings of the studied slice
  • Gardens and Yards interactive

You can contact them by this info: - 
tel: +963949028725

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